Nerd Alert:
This entry is me boasting about my nerdiness. So if nerds, geeks, dorks, dweebs, twerps or goobs make you uncomfortable, it's probably best you stop reading this, for own safety and to salvage what self-respect I have.
Generally, my weekends are pretty uneventful, save for the occasional weekend when the girlfriend comes down from Dallas. I spend my Saturdays and Sundays sleeping in, ordering fast food, watching movies, going to Sea World and perfecting laziness to an art form.
This particular weekend was a bit different. It took me and my buddy Ryan on a wonderful journey that any nerd, and other thesaurus related terms mentioned above, would appreciate.
Saturday, I casually woke up around 10AM, after a hard night of playing video games. The current games I'm addicted to: Indiana Jones Lego: The Original Adventures and Metal Gear Solid 4: Sons of the Patriots. After styling my infamous hair and dressing to the nines in my baggy shorts and wrinkled shirt, I decided to run a few errands.
Spontaneity is a rare form for me, but I suddenly got the urge to visit Sea World. I have a season pass so it's no biggie. Got myself a drink, saw the sharks, the penguins and a dolphin or two. There may have been an man dressed as a penguin... but I can't remember because I was swept up in all the excitement. During my time at Sea World, my buddy Ryan gave me a call.
His baby mama went to the river and he had nothing to do.
I drove over and we played video games for a bit then got to talking about how we would spend our day.
I have a Sega Genesis, it's an old school gaming system from the late 80's to the early 90's. When I was in Dallas to see Shannon, I found an old game that I loved to play, NBA Jam and picked it up.
So while Ryan and I were brainstorming, I got the idea to go old school video game shopping. We decided to hit up local pawn shops. Store after store, we had no success. On our way to yet another pawn shop I decided to check the white pages on my phone and began calling all the game stores that I did not recognize.
I called one and the owner told me "We are unlike any other store in the world."
Naturally, I was intrigued. "Go on," I told him.
They are a retro gaming, arcade, card game and Role-Playing Game center. Just the night before they had received a massive shipment of old retro games. Jackpot!
When we arrived we were greeted my a man named Cliff. We were shown back to the dozen or so boxes that Cliff had not had a chance to look through since the man who sold them to him dropped them off.
Ryan and I took it upon ourselves to go through the boxes and began putting items in sections. NES with NES, SNES with SNES, Sega to Sega, Atari to Atari, the list went on and so did the hours.
This entry is me boasting about my nerdiness. So if nerds, geeks, dorks, dweebs, twerps or goobs make you uncomfortable, it's probably best you stop reading this, for own safety and to salvage what self-respect I have.
Generally, my weekends are pretty uneventful, save for the occasional weekend when the girlfriend comes down from Dallas. I spend my Saturdays and Sundays sleeping in, ordering fast food, watching movies, going to Sea World and perfecting laziness to an art form.
This particular weekend was a bit different. It took me and my buddy Ryan on a wonderful journey that any nerd, and other thesaurus related terms mentioned above, would appreciate.
Saturday, I casually woke up around 10AM, after a hard night of playing video games. The current games I'm addicted to: Indiana Jones Lego: The Original Adventures and Metal Gear Solid 4: Sons of the Patriots. After styling my infamous hair and dressing to the nines in my baggy shorts and wrinkled shirt, I decided to run a few errands.
Spontaneity is a rare form for me, but I suddenly got the urge to visit Sea World. I have a season pass so it's no biggie. Got myself a drink, saw the sharks, the penguins and a dolphin or two. There may have been an man dressed as a penguin... but I can't remember because I was swept up in all the excitement. During my time at Sea World, my buddy Ryan gave me a call.
His baby mama went to the river and he had nothing to do.
I drove over and we played video games for a bit then got to talking about how we would spend our day.
I have a Sega Genesis, it's an old school gaming system from the late 80's to the early 90's. When I was in Dallas to see Shannon, I found an old game that I loved to play, NBA Jam and picked it up.
So while Ryan and I were brainstorming, I got the idea to go old school video game shopping. We decided to hit up local pawn shops. Store after store, we had no success. On our way to yet another pawn shop I decided to check the white pages on my phone and began calling all the game stores that I did not recognize.
I called one and the owner told me "We are unlike any other store in the world."
Naturally, I was intrigued. "Go on," I told him.
They are a retro gaming, arcade, card game and Role-Playing Game center. Just the night before they had received a massive shipment of old retro games. Jackpot!
When we arrived we were greeted my a man named Cliff. We were shown back to the dozen or so boxes that Cliff had not had a chance to look through since the man who sold them to him dropped them off.
Ryan and I took it upon ourselves to go through the boxes and began putting items in sections. NES with NES, SNES with SNES, Sega to Sega, Atari to Atari, the list went on and so did the hours.

An undetermined amount of time later, we had gone through every box and even set aside stuff for ourselves. I got a wireless controller port for the NES controllers, Link 1 and 2 in the original gold cartridges with a few other things.
Their gaming guru, the man who fixes and cleans all the retro stuff that comes in, just happened to pop in. The man with the gut and the Aussie accent spent the next stretch of undetermined amount of time telling us about the history of video games.
Fun Fact:
Did you know that Nintendo originally was designing a CD based gaming system to compete with the Sega Saturn. Nintendo was working with Sony on developing this system when they screwed Sony over and the deal ended. Sony sat back and decided they had all this hardware, why not add a few more things and create their own system. Thus Nintendo's folly led to the birth of the Playstation.
We slowly worked our way to the door after making our purchase, and getting a few items for free, since they had free labor from us arranging all the items from the many boxes.
During the Aussie's incoherent babbling, we did hear him mention a retro gaming store in New Braunfels that was an impressive sight. It was about 10PM at this point, the D-Pad in NB was open until Midnight. We looked at each other and yelled "Road Trip!" The rest of the journey was in silence because Ryan then yelled "Jinx."
After getting lost, then having to call and find directions because they weren't were Google said they were, thanks for that, we found our way to D-Pad.
Inside, it was like a mini-mecca for those who love retro games. Walls of Sega, NES, SNES, Saturn and the like. We perused and gawked I think I loitered for a while in the corner. I decided to buy a few games, for the NES (which I don't have) and for the Sega (I do)
We drove home and I played my newly purchased Sega games. Since I have been on a retro kick. I went a bought an original Nintendo. I didn't work so I took it back and had Shannon buy me a system that plays both NES and SNES games. She's bringing it down this weekend. I'm excited.
There is the full-extent. I hope you aren't blind due to the severity. It was a fun day. Now I'm going to go home and play "Zombies Ate my Neighbors."