Friday, July 31, 2009

Laziness Personified

As most of you readers know, I have a blog that I don't really keep up with. The trouble is I write at work, then at home as recreation. By the end of the day, I'm so tired from using my fingers (that's what she said) I can't bring myself to write about my life.
Another reason I may not blog as much, is because I have two separate google accounts. Google has their fingers into so many websites, it's hard to tell when you are signing up for something Google related. When I decide to do blog writing at work or at home, I have to log out of one Google account and then into the account that has the blog. On top of this, I am very lazy. Unfortunately you can't merge accounts. I did however find out that you can invite people to write on your blog. So, naturally, I invited myself to write for myself on my blog. So now I can stay logged into my Google account I use for email and everything else, and write as a guest-blogger without ever signing out. This would be the test blog to see how this actually works.

There is nothing about this blog entry that is interesting in the slightest and I feel for those of you who took the time to read it.


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